
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-22-2014, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:46 AM by Aislin.)

Aislin hated the cold with a passion because of how much it bit into her skin. If she had a den, that was where she would be right now. It was her hope that she could get one of her own after today. When the foot steps of another were heard, Aislin turned her attention onto a white wolf with gray highlights. Indeed handsome he was, and his voice ever complimented his beauty. Crucifix was his name, and the beta he was of this pack. It was not who she called for, but Aislin wouldn't say anything against it. "I am called by Aislin, as Aslita'ni was my original name. Aislin is easier for others to pronounce." Aislin owed to the man, who was obviously much larger than she. He was built as a warrior for sure, and was ever deserving of the title Beta from his physical appearance.

"I have heard of Covari and the members of this pack. It was neutral to all those seeking a home here. Though, I am sure there is still some other information to know of the pack. It might be boring for you to tell me all of that, so I will cut straight to the point. Does the pack have other sexy men like you? Though, I doubt many could match you." Aislin was a blunt woman, no doubt. Still, this man was horribly attractive. Perhaps it was because she hadn't been laid in forever, or perhaps it was because he was truly that handsome. For now, Aislin enjoyed the presence of him until the alpha arrived. If this pack was full of beautiful people, then perhaps she could be blessed to be part of the beautiful collection.
