
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty



2 Years
05-22-2014, 05:43 PM

He would wait in polite silence as the girl before her spoke, giving forth her name, both the one to call her by and the one she was birthed with. Again, as she spoke it gave him time to continue looking her over, and he found himself smiling at the contrast of her coat, to the midnight strokes upon her pelt to the soft white that littered the earth around her. She was light of build perhaps, and he could imagine that she might be lithe on her feet, a quick performer? perhaps she came here to join their ranks as a hunter? It seemed strange to asses her size for rank when in the past his concerns where far more... personal and his roaming eyes looked for curves, rather than strengths.

Through his assessment of her he almost missed her words, and couldn?t help the laugh that uttered through his lips. He raised an eyebrow, looking at her once more.. she had more guts than he had first pegged her for and she wasn?t afraid to speak her mind. Now he did look for the curves, and decided that he liked what he saw. ?We have Scorpion..? he hide the curve of his lips behind his soft coat as he raised his eyebrow once more upon her. ?And I believe he has a brother or two within the pack, but no.. I believe your right.. none of them can match me? his grin widened, teasing and light, as his annoyance of Scorpion faded behind the amusement of the jests that went back and forth between them ? yes, she was likely to well fit into this pack. ?Our Lady in red likes to collect the most handsome or beautiful? he laughed again ?So I?m sure you?ll fit in fine?
