
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-22-2014, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:52 AM by Aislin.)

Crucifix's gaze had not gone unnnoticed as Aislin watched him carefully. Indeed his build would be impressive should she have the chance to inspect it on her own time. "Taking a fancy to what we see are we? I am sure there will be plenty of time for that, if your alpha seeks to accept me." Aislin let out a wink as she responded to him. As he went off the names of others who were as handsome as he was, Aislin wasn't surprised when he agreed that none could match him. So he did have pride within him. Aislin admired this, so long as his pride did not blind his judgement.

"Knowing your opinion of compatibility with this pack comforts me. I'd rather not freeze my ass off one more day in this damned weather. Perhaps when I earn my rank and title, you could show me to the dens. I have traveled for so long, my joints seemed to have grown cold." Aislin looked down to try and flex her legs to see how stiff they were. Indeed it hurt to flex them somewhat and they were numb, but she put up with it for now. "Perhaps later, you could help with that." So bold as it was for her to simply ask outright to warm her bed. Wasn't it the beta's job to offer assistance to all their members? A sly smirk slipped to her lips as she thought of this, though her ideas of pack ranks were probably outrageous anyhow.
