
---Hinto, looking to be adopted (Closed)


05-22-2014, 07:01 PM
NAME: Aric Hinto

LOOKS: Aric is as close to large as he'll ever be, being 28 inches in height and weighing 138 pounds. But even though he is quite small, his tail is raised high in the air, and his head is raised as well. His eyes are large and sparkling, in a way that makes him strange. He has the same markings as his sister, but they look nothing alike in colors. Aric's main color is a dark color, the dark stripes that are on Huata's eyes are a light color, and the white stripe on his head is in between. At night, if the moon is not covered by clouds, Aric looks like a completely different creature, with the moon making his fur look lighter, and his eyes shine a little more.

Aric's main fur color is a pure black, a shade that will make him fade into the shadows. Well, he could fade into the shadows if it wren't for his markings, medium gray and white in color. The dark brown marking on Huata's face is a pure white on Aric's face, as if underlining his eyes and making them more striking. The white is also on the tip of his black ears, and it seems to make a band around the last color on Aric. His legs are medium gray, and the stripe on his head and Huata's is the same color. Underneath his stomach and tail is the medium gray color, rising up just below his chin. Aric's tail is made up of lack and medium gray, almost finishing off his pelt colors. The medium gray finishes off his pelt by being the color that claims the inside of his ears.

Aric's eyes are a bright green, a toxic green, mixed with slight flecks of amber and blue. His eyes have to be the most captivating thing about him.