
With Liberty and justice for all [Mature]


05-01-2013, 11:26 PM

Her tail flapped in time with his as he showered her with love, nuzzling against her and licking her as she giggled. She agreed, saying that she was in fact tired and he chuckled knowingly as she laid back against him lovingly and nestled into his thick ruff. It was a moment before she finally slow again, sharing her idea for the name. Liberty? It was oddly suiting and an easy smile slid across his features at the thought. "She's beautiful, the name is beautiful. I think it suits. My sire name is Sovari, I would love for her to carry it and maybe..." he trailed off softly as he heard the approach of another. Hackles raised defensively and muscles coiled beneath his pelt as he pushed his forepaws up a bit. He was ready to protect his family if needed. But it seemed that Ais knew him. He frowned slightly as Aislyn pulled away from him a bit, moving so they were barely touching and she was curled further around her pup. Words were exchanged, a congratulations from the the older male who had come to view the small family and then an introduction from the woman he had been about to propose to. Ex king? Head dipped politely, still half raised off the ground but not wanting to awkwardly back up and exit the den to bow fully. "Its a pleasure sir. I apologize for a less then formal greeting but I would hate to leave my new families side." he said easily, tone polite and soft as he left his head tipped to the side. Did Aislyn want him to stick around? See their daughter?

He relaxed slowly, allowing his forepaws to slide forward once more with a sigh and a smile flashed towards Aislyn. He wanted to finish his statement, to ask Aislyn to also bear his sire name but obviously this male was important and was a part of Aislyn's life. "We'll have to speak sometime soon if you don't mind, I've only just joined Valhalla and would like to expand my friends beyond Aislyn... For now, would you like to meet our daughter? Liberty..." he said softly, breathing his daughters name as he turned his gaze back to to the black, grey and white ball of fur nestled into the stomach of the woman he loved.