
Bad Weather, Good Company



05-01-2013, 11:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course - of course - he returned the compliment, assuring her that just as well as he would do in the role of husband and father, she would do the same as wife and mother. Her simple smile widened into a disbelieving grin, a short, almost dry chuckle slipping from her jaws as she tucked her and looked pointedly away. He could say that now, knowing only what he did in this moment, with a tentatively good opinion of her. But if he had even a little glimpse into her mind, knew of her nerves, her anxieties, that the subject brought up, then he might think differently. He might think like her. But she hardly felt like enlightening him.

Leon noticed the rain before she did, her thoughts still a little too preoccupied by their conversation. As he noticed its lessening, she glanced his way and then rolled slightly, angling her head back and turning enough so that she could peer behind her. Sure enough, she could hear only now the pleasant sounds of individual raindrops hitting puddles and wet surfaces, the forest outside still and absent of lightning flashes and rumbling thunder. The ground would still be slick and everything would be a muddy mess for a day or so, but it seemed they had survived the worst and would live to tell about it.

"So it is," Ashtoreth answered as she rolled back over to lay on her side comfortably as she had before, stretching her legs just a little. Seeing an opening, she smiled rather impishly and took it. "Was that a...subtle way of telling me my welcome has worn out?" she asked, her tone casually teasing. The lean grey wolf made no move to go, and made sure to look as cozy as she could as she looked at him questioningly. She was sure he had not meant it to be taken the way she had mentioned, but it was just too easy to poke at him a little. Besides, he took it well, and she liked seeing him smile.