
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-22-2014, 07:54 PM

Fuck she hated the Range.. It made viewing things from a distance so hard considering there was almost nothing to hide behind. So when she heard the howl she had approached until she saw the woman standing at the boards then dropped to the ground like the coward she was. Voices drifted towards her, one slippery and seductive and the other all too familiar. She couldn't hear their words, didn't want to hear their words yet as she hid behind a hill for quite some time, practicing deep breathing exercises and screwing her eyes shut. It couldn't be her? There was no fucking way. Vi's breath caught in her throat, and she struggled to regain it before belly crawling towards the top of the hill to peer over. They were still quite a distance away, she could only make out the black form of the woman and the black and white form of Crucifix. For a long time she would stare, simply watching the blurry forms converse before dropping her skull to the ground. "Goddess help me?" She murmured before finally pushing herself to her paws and shaking out her pelt as if it might also dispel her fears. For another few minutes she would stand, closing her eyes and forcing the tension from her muscles. There was no way it was her, not way she could be here? Vi just had to keep reminding herself that even as she made her way over the rolling hills towards the pair.

She could catch the tail end of their conversation as she approached but she really paid it no mind, instead gaze focused on the black woman attempting to seduce Cru and quite possibly succeeding. She wasn't worried about them, or about the woman laying the moves on her most prized possession aside from her wife. No. She needed to see her eyes. And then in a sweep that might have been slow motion Vi saw the glint of yellow that flashed off her eyes. It wasn't her? All the tension slipped out of her muscles as she allowed herself to slither towards the pair, smile falling naturally into place. "My dear? its not very often I allow women as beautiful as yourself into my boarders without asking them to stay?" Words were an easy purr, dripping from honey suckle lips like venom as she stood a bit off from the pair, flashing Cru her temptress smile before allowing her full attention to return to the black woman. "Welcome to Covari my dear. You've met Mr. Black, our beta here and I'm Viridiana Sovari. May I ask your name?" She asked easily, head tipping as she smiled at the black fae.