
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-22-2014, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:57 AM by Aislin.)

As if she had forgotten that there were others coming, Aislin continued to listen to Crucifix and saw that he avoided answering her questions. Fine then, he could play hard to get no problem. "My soul isn't entirely clean either, honey." Aislin continued to play as she looked to the new one that came. This must have been the Alpha, as she listened to what she poke. Aisiln gave a bow and smiled. "If it were my intention to trespass, I would have done so already. However, it was my intention to inspect this piece of treasure you have found yourself here, and thus, I did not trespass intentionally even though I circled him. My apologies if I offend." Aislin gave another bow and then backed up so she was an even distance from the two of them.

"I am Aislin. Aslita'ni was my former name, and it's harder to pronounce. So please just refer to me as Aislin." Aislin sat up and looked the crimson lady over. She was just as beautiful as Crucifix was for certain, and Aislin almost envied her."I come seeking a home within your borders if you see me fit amongst your treasures. I do not come without skills." Aislin spoke with a smirk on her lips, pretty sure she would have guessed that Aislin had some skills. Aislin was an excellent tracker, skilled runner, and if she had to, she could smooth talk her way out of a lot of situations, depending on who she came across.

(Sorry, been having some crappy posts lately)
