
About HIGH Time



8 Years
05-22-2014, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:41 AM by Othello.)

The damsel padded back towards the place where Scorpion had told her to stay, tripping over her paws as she did so. A giggle flew from her mouth and she pranced too and fro, her body swaying to some unheard rhythm. She thought that she was walking in a straight line, but her whole body was rocking. The girl let another wild giggle out of her maw, gleefully swinging her tail as she hummed an unknown tune. The herbs that Orchid had gave her made her feel amazing, like she was on top on the world! She wanted to see Scorpion and tell him the good news, so she picked up her pace.

"My dear Lord Scorpion!" Her singsong voice rang out, another peel of laughter erupting from her form. Her head swung around, her violet eyes trying to pin point her darling. Yes! She had good news to share! A delightful tale! Othello paused, pouting when Scorpion did not come into view right away. But wait! Maybe he was playing a game! "Are you hiiiiding from me? What a silly thing to do!" She called, when suddenly she found herself on the ground. Oh dear, did she trip? However, the cool grass felt wonderful on her creamy back, so she decided to roll about in it. Mindful of her belly, she wiggled her bodice on the grass, almost rolling from the sheer force of her laughter.

Othello stopped rolling then, jumping onto her tingling paws. Now was not the time to be silly! It was a for serious time. So the dame put on her serious face, looking around to see if the large brute had seen her silly stunt. But her serious face didn't last long, it was cracked by another laugh that sputtered her lips. Hehe, news time! Now where was that silly boy?

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"