
Wipe away my tears


05-22-2014, 10:50 PM

Eyes would flutter open, the woman disoriented momentarily. What was happening? Warm liquid wet her cheeks, drying uncomfortably. A shadow suddenly appeared over her, causing the woman to flinch away before refocusing her sights on Kylar. His words were frantic, coaxing her to tell him what was wrong. The Queen peered up, just as confused as he was. Her eyes burned, her vision blurred. The woman rose to her paws, looking around. The snow was clean, a pristine white, free of any blood and bodies. A frown tugged at her features, her gaze returning to Kylar.

"What happened?" She was confused. A paw would lift, wiping her face before pulling away. Blood sward across her paw still. It wasn't a dream. This was really happening. Panic turned to fear. She had been with Basanti all morning, was her daughter ill? Was anyone else sick? She turned away from Kylra, her entire body vibrating with an unshakeable chill. "Is Basanti okay?" She would pace back and forth, weariness tugging at her bones.

Tears of blood continued to flow from her eyes. Thoughts raced, what was she going to? "The pack needs to be called, the sick quarantined if necessary. We need to alert our allies. We need to find a cure." She murmured plans quietly to herself. She couldn't be the only one could see? Was she contagious? Slowly her irritation at not knowing turned into anger, then uncontrollable rage. Hackles lifted, lips curling back over daggers. Ears fell back against her skull as she whirled to face Kylar. Narrowed gaze shot daggers at him as she stalked forward. No recognition was held in her gaze as she moved closer, a snarl ripping free from her jaws. The ground beneath her feet turned red, bodies falling around her again but she paid them no mind, her sights set on the brute in her path.