
Batari Tests Her Jaws Pt1


06-15-2014, 02:19 AM
Batari lumbered through the grass, making no effort to move silently. Batari had made her way this far, from the distant southern coasts, and now, here, in this place, she smelled the blood of constant battle, and it excited her. This place would be hers. This was where she could obey her true nature, and unleash all the rage and agression that broiled within her. This was where she would slake her lust for vicious battle.

The temptation to charge forth and sink her teeth into the neck of the first thing she saw was tremendous, and the savage almost gave into that urge. However, her instincts told her such action would limit her time in battle. Perhaps first she should test herself against some other wolves, their prey was no match for her; but from what she could observe, the wolves held more of a challenge. However, Batari had also noticed that these wolves seemed to have some unspoken code, where they did not kill one another simply because they could. This was a weakness she could exploit in time; but for now she was aware that if she held back, so also would her foes. In this way she could learn of their strengths, and test hers against them. Once she learned their ways, It was only a matter of time before her jaws reigned supreme.

Batari lowered her head, tail curling between her legs, and teeth bared in a snarl. "Batari will fight!" She barked in her savage and simple way. "You will fight Batari!" The heavy and sizable wolf braced herself for their actions, observing the enemy she had called out, and readying herself to react to their advances, weather it be by attempting to avoid them to lessen the damage, or taking a hit in order to deal a more savage one. Her ears, were flat against her skull as she snarled in challenge and anticipation. She had seen wolves fight, some would use strength and charge like Batari preferred, others would use speed and tricks like many of the lizards Batari knew how to fight.

_ _ _

Batari VS ???
Defense: Batari lowered her head, tail curling between her legs...The heavy and sizable wolf braced herself for their actions, observing the enemy she had called out, and readying herself to react to their advances, weather it be by attempting to avoid them to lessen the damage, or taking a hit in order to deal a more savage one. Her ears, were flat against her skull as she snarled in challenge and anticipation.

Attack: None, First turn

Injuries: None, First turn

Notes: Its my first time; but I'll try my best. All welcome.