


05-02-2013, 08:28 AM

It was a beautiful scene, really. The King could hardly believe how harsh he had been about this very event only weeks before. Still, he knew he'd done the right thing in his heart, and did not feel guilty for the action any longer. He would sit a safe distance away, knowing that he was not the new mother's favorite wolf of the bunch. Still, he was King and had at least some right to see - and compliment - the new little Seracians. They were, after all, the first litter to be born to the Kingdom since it's foundation. He had thought he would see them differently - as illegitimate or otherwise - but in fact the monarch saw them for what they were, precious. A yearning burned within him, one that he knew would remain for quite some time. He had always wanted pups, children of his own flesh and blood. Maverick, Kamala, and Valkis had satiated that longing for a time, but they were nearly old enough to have children of their own - and the King was back to square one without a wife. Perhaps he would never have children. One wolf couldn't have it all, could they?

When it came time for Ghost to respond, she did so with a tone that baffled the King. She seemed almost pleased with his presence. Perhaps she had had a change of heart. She announced the genders, two females and a male. The King nodded with a genuine smile as she invited him to see. The woman unveiled them and he saw the three wriggling bodies lying next to her. The only word to describe the feeling in the air was awe. "They are remarkable," No note was given to the missing limb of the male, for the King did not even see it by the way the boy was laying - not that it would have mattered much in the first place. "I should like you both to know how truly sorry I am for the events of the past. It has become clear to me just now that I might have overreacted. I would like you to know that the law requiring potential mates to alert me before the consummation take place will be abolished. It isn't my place to dabble in the affairs of love." With another kind smile the King would pivot and turn away, leaving the new parents to bask in the glory of their newborns.


Image by Ruelle.