



8 Years
06-15-2014, 07:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2014, 07:47 AM by Qanik.)

The stranger would answer her peaceably despite the personal nature of her question, and Qanik was gratified. Had she been thinking she would never have been so rude as to ask such, not of a wolf who hadn't even been trespassing, just passing close to the border. She listened as he spoke of wandering, of his sister being killed by Glaciem, and she felt her pelt prickle with discomfort. From his words she began to realize that the Isardis the wolf seemed to hate so much was associated with Glaciem - Tortuga's ally, and apparently the pack that had killed his sister. She kept her troubled thoughts to herself, letting him continue with his story without interruption.

He went on to speak of finding children he didn't know he had, and Qanik's heart clenched painfully. That was something she would never have, no possibilities for her. The monumental importance of the day crashed down on her once again, and she could not help the way her ears drooped at the thought. Did he have any idea how lucky he was? To have family, to have children? To not be the last of his bloodline, too old and too broken to find and keep a mate, too badly put together to attract one. "Congratulations on finding your children," she told him, her low voice betraying none of the turmoil choking her. "They are a blessing and a joy, I am sure. A pleasant surprise to find in your travels."

He invited her to walk with him, and Qanik cast a distracted glance along the border. She would not be leaving it undefended - she was not the only one patrolling. But still she was reluctant to leave, as though the weight of her depression was crushing her down and only the momentum of the routine of patrol was keeping her breathing.

With some effort heavy white paws carried her over the border to Allen Walker's side, and she even managed a smile in return, though it was a weary, forced expression. "I fear I am not good company, but if you want me to I will walk with you."
