
Keep Your Heartbeat Suspended


06-15-2014, 12:32 PM
Batari moved quietly, with her body slung low, like the lizards she had watched for most of her life. She had been drawn here by the rumbling of the earth, and attracted to the fiery spout of water that sundered the ground. The savagery in the earth excited her. Here even the land was violent. This was a good place, a strong place. Batari wanted to test her strength on this earth, wanted to fight one of these other wolves, and see what the wolves in such a place could do against her.

Licking her nose, as she had learned from the lizards, she smelled the air. There was something other than plants, and earth, and rocks in that direction! Turning she moved slowly, her eyes and nose guiding her towards something to sink her ever hungering teeth into. At the crest of a slight hill, she saw the other wolf in the distance. It was a grey and black, and more importantly it had not seen her yet. Batari could smell the wolf strongly, and judged that the wind was against them when it came to smelling her. She grew excited, a kill, a kill, something to feast on, a predator worthy of her belly. NO! It might have a pack, they would come for her, Batari did not yet know other wolves well enough to take on that challenge yet. Someday; but not today... Then a fight, but not death... yes that was a compromise her savage instincts could allow.

Her scarred muzzle wrinked as her maw drew back into a silent snarl. Batari lurched forward, her massive frame flying across the land to close the distance between them with terrible speed. Her ears were flat against her skull and the wind bristled through her thick coat. Batari's eyes watched the other wolf closely, to be ready for their actions, so she could work against them. As she drew near she finally hurled her massive frame into the air and announced her presence with a terrible snarl as she attempted to tackle the enemy's right side, topple them, and sink her teeth into their flesh.

Batari was a larger wolf and very visibly heavier. Still the smaller wolf might be faster, and trickier. Batari's attack was risky, it left her slightly open because she had chosen to send her whole body into the air with that leap; but she was tensed and ready to collide with their body, or turn her own, to be able to regain mobility as soon as she hit the ground.

The fight was on.
_ _ _

D?gmar VS Batari!

Batari lurched forward, her massive frame flying across the land to close the distance between them with terrible speed......As she drew near she finally hurled her massive frame into the air and announced her presence with a terrible snarl as she attempted to tackle the enemy's right side, topple them, and sink her teeth into their flesh.

None, First turn.

Batari's eyes watched the other wolf closely, to be ready for their actions, so she could work against them.......Batari's attack was risky, it left her slightly open because she had chosen to send her whole body into the air with that leap; but she was tensed and ready to collide with their body, or turn her own, to be able to regain mobility as soon as she hit the ground.