



4 Years
06-15-2014, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2014, 02:04 PM by Isolde.)

She would not realize that as well as her own search, her mother was journeying to find her. Isolde had left a long time ago, she wondered if they thought her dead by now. She very well could have been with how terribly she was taking care of herself. She knew not of her siblings, or of her parents let alone her father's betrayal of her family. As she lay in the snow, debating on where she might go, it was then that she would be found.
Footsteps would alert her to another presence, her delicate features would raise from her paws. Ears were pricked and alert as her golden gilded eyes would fall upon the milky appearance of her mother. Her orbits would grow wide in surprise as Epiphron moved to embrace her daughter. "Isolde," "Mom" The surprise was evident in her voice, she would have never guessed her mother had been looking for her. Of course, she had left with little more than a word but they had gone off to a new home.
The emotion in her mother's voice would mirror what Isolde was feeling. She'd missed her desperately, even though she had been nervous about reuniting once more. Isolde would return her mother's affectionate motions, feeling her gentle presence beside her. "I didn't know where you had gone..." the appaloosa marked girl would find herself whining, she'd never meant to hurt anyone with leaving, but it had felt so necessary at the time. "I'm sorry I left.. I've missed you so much, mom. she would bury her head into her fur, taking in the woman's scent and immersing herself in her mother's presence.


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