
forever and ever



5 Years
06-15-2014, 03:30 PM

Novella hadn't really been too much help throughout the epidemic. She'd done what she could, mainly involving other tasks to actually keep the rest of the pack running such as hunting and border patrols in an attempt to distract herself from all. She had tried visiting her mother once, though Novel hadn't been awake at the time perhaps rather fortunately for the little lookalike. Similar visits had been paid to the others in her family as well, particularly Satu and Iorwerth who lacked the parents to care for them, the latter had shown no recognition at all each time beyond continuously calling her a cloud.

At last though the cure had been found. She had been prepared to go off in search of the necessary plants though it seemed that they already had enough and everyone was now back on the road to recovery. This was especially proven in the case of Iorwerth, her cousin had returned to his normal serious self and no longer called her a cloud, a fact that was somewhat disappointing for she had hoped he would be a little more grateful and accepting towards the family now.

All the same she couldn't complain about it too much, everyone was after all getting better her cousins, nieces and nephews and of course her mother. She hadn't really had the chance to spend any quality time with her parents prior to the illnesses arrival, they had been busy settling into the pack and their new positions before hand and even during. Now though, as she caught sight of her mother resting alone outside of the den, Novella wouldn't hesitate in moving over to rushing over to her.