
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


06-15-2014, 03:49 PM

Silveris smiled and wagged her tail hesitantly, her mismatched eyes gleaming as she looked up at Emery. The young girl didn't know yet that her family had left, without a trace, after she had left. Silveris smiled at Emery, then pulled herself to her paws. Her family would be gone, not a lot of wolves from her old pack left, and it would be something so uncomfortable, something that would make her upset. I'll need to find my family soon. Who knows what trouble Enola has gotten herself into, or Daedaldus. The girl shook her brown head, obviously lost it thought. I hope he isn't hurt! Finally, Emery's voice made her shake her head, and she tilted her head.

?It is understandable. We?ll see each other again someday regardless I?m sure. Destiny and fate has a way of tying friends together, before they even realize it. Maybe our families will be able to come together... All of us.? Silveris wagged her tail at his speech, and then realized that she pretty much wanted the exact same thing. Silveris was lost in thought again until Emery twitched his ears, making her stop thinking again. The brown and white girl licked one paw, then listened to what Emery had to say. ?Did you still want to try and hunt something...?? After a moment, she paused, glancing at the sky and the slowly rising moon. "Yeah. Let's try and hunt something." With a wag of her tail, Silveris sniffed the air, and stood beside Emery.

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