
Things That Happen


06-15-2014, 05:05 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis had her head leaning against the bark of the tree, panting softly. She had done it, a boy and agirl. The girl bore lighter coloration though her coat was more of a creamy-tan than silver or white, like her and that male had been. The male was darker still, bearing brown coloration and lighter undertones. He was a handsome brute, and larger than his sister. She almost couldn?t believe that she had been the one to give birth to him. He seemed, well, massive for her small frame. She would lick her muzzle, the children at her belly, nursing contentedly with her tail curled around them.

Then Othello was there, speaking words that seemed a bit too fast. The femme would force her mind to drag itself from the fog that she was in. She would turn her teal-green eyes upon her friend, a weary smile crossing her face. ?I?ll be alright, Othello... Just a bit tired.? She looked toward the newborns, feeling her heart well up a bit with pride. Before she had them... She had felt so uncertain, worried that she wouldn?t be able to get attached to them. But now she knew, that no matter how they had been brought to this world, they were hers. They were her children and nothing would ever take them from her.

?I think I will be alright for now... Perhaps some water later... But right now... I?m just glad that they?re here.? She would set her head her paws, gaze still resting upon her friend. She looked tired, certainly, but content. ?I... Don?t really have any names thought of though... I was wondering if you might have a suggestion or two you might be able to throw my way.? She would give a gentle smile to her friend, glad that she had found someone else she could trust.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.