
A Merry Band of Feral Children



4 Years
06-15-2014, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 12:05 PM by Baldur.)
"One for Sorrow, Two for Joy..."

Name: Skj?ra Sohrab [rescued and adopted into the family]
Good Traits: Perceptive, Resourceful, Determined, Patient, Intelligent
Bad Traits: Sarcastic, Possessive, Manipulative, Defensive, Self-absorbed

Skj?ra loves to challenge and push herself to the next level. She throws herself into what she decides with a concentrated energy and awesome willpower. She makes a formidable opponent, although quietly so. Skj?ra keeps her cool and her focus on the surface even though what's below is probably another story entirely. She also is unlikely to let anyone in and keeps up her facade of composure as best she can. Skj?ra also has the potential to exploit others and will often do so for self-defense and for a need to feel somewhat in control of her situation. Deep down what she wants most of all is security and as she grows she will learn to do whatever it takes to achieve that.

It can be a bit difficult to understand just how Skj?ra's mind works but she's just fine with that and enjoys surprising others. Skj?ra is quite proud of her independence and isn't easily pushed around when it comes to issues important to her though generally she'll go with the flow otherwise unless her curiosity get the best of her. Skj?ra is patient and a good listener and while she'll throw herself toward her goal she's confident that slow and steady will win her her prize and she plans carefully to get what she wants using her resourcefulness and intelligence as best she's able.

Skj?ra can also have a tendency to be sarcastic and she does enjoy spinning tales both seriously and to goad at others. For lack of a better word she enjoys being a "bullshit artist". It offers her freedom and if she want's to change her past and be someone else she's able. Lying also helps her get out of tight spots with adults and she had no probably trying to milk pity out of a few bleeding hearts.

As said before Skj?ra loves to test herself and often others. She'll make all kinds of rules and goals just for the personal satisfaction that comes from achieving them. Her survival instincts are strong and she understands that life simply isn't fair, but that won't stop her from getting what she wants out of life.

Alignment: Chaotic Good turning to Chaotic Neutral (darker b/c of her history prior to adoption)
Nickname: Magpie
Size: Medium
Health: ---
Do you want your pup to be considered for the position of Enforcer?: Yes
RP Sample: (300 word count minimum)

History: *adding in history, she was part of this plot on another site but it never quite took off, chose to keep her history the same but adjusted the end to add in the new families

Skj?ra doesn't care to dwell over her history too much, even it it subconsciously influences a lot of what she does. She was born into a massive drought that had withered the terra of her pack and created strong tensions between pack members over food and water. She never new if her "parents" were hers biologically or not since she never really felt she was like them and she enjoyed fantasies that someday her "real" parents would take her away.

Skj?ra's father was a hot-tempered brute with a dark past and a tendency toward violence. He was also fairly high-ranking and demanded respect. He frequently took to beating her as almost a form of stress relief though he swore it was to toughen her up and make her stronger since pups were useless to the pack. He always reminded her of this fact, who fed her? He did. Who dug their den? He did? Who searched every inch for water? He did. What did she do? Nothing.

When she tried to tell her mother she was also struck and warned to never speak of it again. Skj?ra soldiered up and did her best to tough it out. She took to learning as much as she could from her mother, an apothecary specialized in poisons but found herself drawn to her mother's assistant, an ancient and gentle wolf who was always happy for her company. He often told her stories and let her assist him and he never once berated or assaulted her like her mother often would.

However, a couple months after they'd met he passed away and as winter began to move in things got worse at home and amongst the pack. They were fracturing and splitting apart. The last straw came when she was molested by her older brother she made the decision to leave, believing even death would be better than staying there. She ran away and never looked back.

But a 2 month old pup had no chance of survival alone and she quickly fell ill. Skj?ra would've died if it hadn't been for the matriarch of the Sohrab family who had found her and nursed her back to health. The months that followed were the happiest of her life. She learned love and friendship and hope from her new family and they became the most cherished things in her life. Well loved and taken care of it was a tragedy when the plague hit. She'd finally found a contented family only to lose it. One by one the pack members fell and the pups circled around Linus, banding together in a desperate attempt to survive.