
We Live and We Learn (TRAINING)



8 Years
06-15-2014, 07:03 PM

The man would listen as the Ebon Knight spoke. Elsa had never liked him much nor had she really given him the chance to get to know her, yet he still missed her and felt bad for Hajime. Before Max could think of anything to say to the man Adelaide would thank Lior and begin her lesson. From his chosen spot to sit he could hear her well and could see which herbs she was talking about.

Looking at the grouping Lior had done, Maximous couldn't help but to agree with the other Sola Knight. The young girl had done well and as Adelaide began naming each herb and then giving off plants his mind was going over the same information she was giving. He found himself biting his lip to keep from being an echo. Just as he had had to do to his mentor in the past when he went over things to many times.

When the other Sola finished speaking and gave him freedom to give any further information he smiled. "For those of you who don't know where to find them. Elderberries grow in shrubs both in dry and wet soil however your more likely to find them in direct sunlight than in the shade. And the best place to find Marigold is in moist soils." he would then sit silently as he listened to Lior's questions.

Both were excellent and he found himself answering before he could stop himself. "You can use the bark and roots for that but I prefer to use a different plant to get poison out of someone's system. The bark and roots, in my experience tend to take too long to get something like poison out of the system unless you use a lot and then it causes more problems." he would pause only momentarily for her answer on the amount to give a patient. "I base the amount of herb I give some one on how large they are. Say for instance a large patient like a big cat or a horse would be given two or three stalks, a smaller patient such as an adult wolf would receive only one and a child would receive only half of that."

He would catch himself too late and give an apologetic look to Adelaide before fixing it aloud. "However, Adelaide may do those things differently and this is her lesson so her input may be more helpful than my own as I do not know everything she knows and vise versa." again he would give her an apologetic look for butting so deeply into her lesson.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)