
The Ghosts that We Knew

Orchid I


5 Years
06-15-2014, 07:20 PM

As the sole healer of Covari she was also the only wolf in Covari pack lands with a decent herb collection. Her very den was picked for its fissures that cracked through the floor of her home and allowed a storage place to separate and contain the dried herbs she collected. Other, fresher supplies could only be gathered in smaller groups, to be thrown out as they got older. Other herbs weren't even found within Covari lands, and now that the illness was no more she made her mission to explore the surrounding lands to build upon her collection. It was more then herbs that she sought out, and for this reason she had two separate leaves twirled about the long strands at the base of her neck. One for killing and the other for healing.

The scent of blood would be her first distraction, right at the moment where she found Eldeberry, a herb she was fully out of stock with, after offering it to all the wolves in Covari, without knowing how the sickness had been spread it had been another aid in helping to keep others from catching it. The scent was a twitch in her nose and she pulled free a twig of the herbs and carefully placed a few berries in her leaf bag before allowing the scent to distract her. She followed it to the shores of a frozen lake, where a white shape lay sprawled against its surface. She made a little huffing noise in the back of her throat when she saw the cracks that already pocketed the surface. Grateful for the slippery surface she placed her two front paws on the ice and stretched out her body, leaving her hind legs gripping on the grass as she stretched forward enough to grip the back of his neck and haul him along the slippery surface of the ice. Had she been on dry land she would have had trouble even if she was fully leaning over him and attempting to lift and grab, but on the ice she need only slide him to safety.

Allowing his body to sprawl against the grass she shook her head again and began to examine him. She would need to get him warm, with all the cold water that had gotten into his body and lungs, but at least this fool was breathing. His shoulders where torn and bloody, but worse then that upon his back right ankle bore a festering wound. She screwed up her nose ? that had to be dealt with first, or he could lose the foot. ?if you wake up and bite me, i'm gona bite you right back? she promised him as she rammed a foot onto the surface of the ice that lay beside them until she had access to the water. She would then move the injured foot towards the water and run it beneath the cool liquid, she would then examine her claws, give out a great sigh. Alright, before she woke him she had some other things she needed to do. She quickly scampered away from his side and returned moments later dragging long leaves, which she placed upon and tucked around him to keep his core body temperature. She then placed her last remains of White Willow Bark from her leaf storage onto the worst of his cuts before wrapping HorseTail about them to stop him from bleeding out. She placed some diluted Wintergreen herbs to drip down his throat to ease the pain of his injuries and what she was about to do.

With this all set she returned to her place by his foot, grabbed out some Trillium, some of which she rubbed against her claws, some she rubbed against the festering wound, and more of which she placed aside for later. She gave another stern glance. "I will bite you back, injured or not" she scowled. She then began the task of reopening the wound with her claws and cleaning out the puss...
