
Days gone by

Twig I


06-15-2014, 10:37 PM
Set right after Valhalla meeting a day or so after Twig learns about Themisto's illness

Themisto was dying. It was a fact she was still coming to terms with, and still trying to deny. Her heart was breaking for him. She wanted so badly to cure him, to make him feel better. It was hard to see him so hurt and to know how limited his time on the earth really was. She'd left him be, she didn't want to cry in front of him, she wanted to be strong, to show him how much she loved him. She was still trying to recover from Fern, and this.. it would open up the wound all over again. She felt desperate and confused, hurt and lost.
She hadn't seen Alpine in a few days time, most of all she'd wanted the comfort his shoulder could provide. She didn't know what had happened to him though, so before she let herself back to Themisto's side she would fall into her once shared den. She hoped Jinxx was there, she needed to tell him about her plans. She wouldn't leave the healer's side until the very end, no matter how hard it would be. He needed someone by his side while he said goodbye, and she would be there.
Her marked features would lean into the opening of the den, no doubt her brother had noticed her disappearance already. She was recovering well, her body seemed filled out and her coat had a returned sheen. With Themisto's sickness though, the light seemed once again gone from her vibrant eyes. "Jinxx? There's something I need to talk to you about.." her voice was soft, and obviously strained.
