
Battle Without Honor or Humanity



5 Years
06-16-2014, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 01:05 AM by Jakart.)
Jakart fidgeted where he sat, a nervous glance given towards Nako. To the death in a sense. That would be the only way the lesson would conclude. Fight till you couldn't fight no more. That's how he saw it. That's how it would be in the real thing. Jakart didn't want to place his fangs against anyone in his family, but Bane's word was to be obeyed as a father, and that meant sucking it up and doing things you didn't want to do. It would all be over in a moment, his sire telling them to begin. And Jakart obeyed, Nako dashing off to the right in a wide sweep around Bane's side. Jakart side stepped along the left, eyes never leaving his father. He was on Bane's blind side.

His father however reacted to the weakness in vision with a snapping of his jaws in his direction. It made Jakart pause at the unexpected gesture. Sure he had perceived a movement of sorts to feint him or his brother. Bodily aggression. Not a threat display. But Bane was dealing with Nako now, and Jakart leapt to his brothers aid. His fangs bit into his fathers side, the elder snarling and whirling around. The quick twirl given by Bane in response?to the yearling caused his muzzle to be thrown to the side making Jakart lose his grip. Nako staggered away as he was hit by Bane's flank, the elder completing his turn and grabbing?Jakart's reeling muzzle. But the yearlings bloodlust was up, twisting his muzzle and shoving his head forward as his jaws wrapped around the sides of his father's maw. Jakart let out a warning growl and narrowed his mismatched eyes. The calculating gold of his mother, and the furious sapphire of his father.