
Best Man

Gargoyle I


05-02-2013, 07:35 AM


Gargoyle growled, digging his teeth into the cats? face til he felt it?s blood tickling his tongue. Oxia had kept up step for step and now as Gargoyle kept the feline down, the other male had set his fangs into the leopard?s neck. The two big blokes together were enough to keep it occupied.

Even kill it. Gargoyle had warned it after all. And for a moment the male imagined the honor of having the scraps of the cat?s pelt line his children?s nest within the den. He was, after all, Chief of the Glaciem Pack. This was kingdom and all other creatures within it would do well to remember who he was and what he could do.

But that sounded just a bit too cold? didn?t it. More than likely it was thinking of his pups that set him to rights. The young had always had a shortcut into his heart. Though Gargoyle growled and dug his claws in? he didn?t really have to kill the snow leopard. The beast was a beautiful and proud a predator as ever stalked the Northern reaches. Now it knew it had been defeated, and if Gargoyle let it up the only wise choice it had would be to run.

But Gargoyle wasn?t going to just let go while Oxia was still hanging on. Gargoyle looked his way. Gold eyes met blue. ?Leave off.? he said round a mouthful of hissing cat. He twitched his ears ? he had no tail to signal with, but this was all the warning he could afford.

The very talking had lossened his hold and now he had to let go ? which he did, releasing the feral beast and spring back a length to ready for whatever move it made next ? and to be alert in case Oxia had been too slow and he had to dive back into the fray to help him. But ever the odd colored male seemed to be able to hold his own.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~