
Paradoxical Equivalence


06-16-2014, 02:35 AM

The male had left Valhallan lands, going on a short journey to sniff out those he could find. He heard word of more family around, and wasted no chance in his search. Jinxx moved swiftly despite his recent illness, and although his bones felt weary from the constant stiffening muscle spasms, he would press on. He hoped that his hunch was right, hoped that the rumors were true. It had been seasons since he arrived here, and he wanted to find those who were lost as quickly as possible, before Lunatik did. Oceanic blue eyes would scan the terrain, but there didn't seem to be much to scan for. The place in which he stepped foot upon was nearly barren, save for perhaps a few scattered boulders and other land figures, and yards in front of him an empty lake. It was strange, to see such a surface bare of water. The Western parts of Alacritis were surely strange, for in place of water, there was a surface of slippery mud. The wind having paved it smooth over ages of time. Black painted legs carried him carefully around the edge of it, the tracks of other animals were on the surface, but they were small. Was it even possible to walk across? Or was it only safe for smaller creatures like mice and birds? It wasn't something he wanted to risk, no matter how curious he became.

He skirted around the edge, scenting the air all the while. He thought he smelled a hint of others around, but he figured perhaps it was no more then his mind playing tricks on him. Perhaps still recovering from his crazed illness. And since the first day he became sick, he could feel a heavy presence around him, following. Latching onto him like a monkey on his back, and it would make him uneasy. He had seen something nightmarish that day, for it had made him lash out at Sephiroth and causing damage to the other males face. A grim line would forge itself on his lips, wondering what had changed since..
