
Come Outside



6 Years
06-16-2014, 07:35 AM

Even though his parents had returned, and most of his family was together again, he couldn't help but still feel strange. Anthem Destruction was still painfully aware he had made a mistake of some kind, and even though he didn't fully grasp the circumstances, he knew he had changed things somehow. Perhaps not with his family -- but somewhere, something was different now.

Spending time with Novella was a welcome distraction from his confused thoughts, and he let a playful growl escape his throat. He missed playing, especially with his sister Symphony, who had always seemed to have time for his games. He missed her dearly, and wanted to meet her children. She would definitely let him play with them, right? He wanted to play with Song's children more too, but he hadn't built up the courage to ask yet.

But playing seemed to slip from his mind as other thoughts overtook him. He often found it difficult to talk to his family about things that he felt, but this seemed important to him. Since the incident, no one had really talked to him about it -- he'd been so afraid and sorry that it seemed nobody needed to speak to him. Since then, he hadn't left Ludicael save for a few select times, and he had grown more withdrawn than usual, as though he knew he had done something wrong even without fully understanding. Anthem let loose a content sigh as she pulled close to him, returning the affection without hesitation. "I don't understand," he admitted softly. Part of him wanted to know more, to really get what he had done and why it had produced such drastic consequences. He was used to being okay with his confusion, but he had a nagging desire to really understand this. "That day, when everyone was here and the strangers were mad at me. What did I do?" His words were more fluid than normal, speaking slowly and deliberately. He didn't usually ask his siblings for help like this, though they always explained things when he needed him, but this just felt important to him.