
A Merry Band of Feral Children

Katja the First


8 Years
06-16-2014, 08:17 AM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2014, 03:16 PM by Katja the First.)
Name: Temur Shani
Personality: Temur is a fast-talking, smart mouth little brat with a lot of attitude and a foul mouth. He struts around arrogant as a bantam rooster and for good reason. This boy is good. He's dexterous enough and has a light enough touch he claims to be able to pluck a hair from a tiger's tail without waking it up - and it's actually believable. When he's focused and concentrating, he can move nearly silently. Outside of a scam or a game though, "focused" and "concentrating" really aren't even close to describing him. He's loud, clumsy, hyper, and somewhat accident-prone. Very independent and hard-headed, he does not like being bossed around by anyone besides Linus and Linus' Enforcers and has no problem making that clear. He has a hot temper and is quick to anger, though his acting out is usually confined to mean words rather than violence and he can be distracted from it pretty quickly.

Despite his many faults, Temur is the most loyal friend you could ask for. He would do anything for those he trusts - he'd lay his life on the line if it came down to it, and worse - and unfortunately for him he trust rather easily in spite of his spitfire attitude. He's woefully open to being manipulated by someone who knows his triggers. But, he'll always put his 'family' above everyone else so as long as they stay on the good side of the spectrum, he'll always veer their way no matter what any outsiders say.
Alignment: Eventually neutral probably, right now neutral good
Nickname: "the Cat"
user posted image
Size: small
Health: malnourished, probably wormy, kind of has a bit of ADHD
Do you want your pup to be considered for the position of Enforcer?: Nah, too little.
RP Sample: Temur hadn't had it easy in life. None of them had, really, not since the last adult had vanished from his life. He didn't know that they had spent their last moments scrabbling in the dirt and convulsing as the rabies virus fried their brain - he only knew that they hadn't come back and he'd had no one to feed him. He'd been tottering right on the edge of death when Linus hatched his brilliant scheme and suddenly there was food again. And now that he wasn't dying, Temur was determined to pay him back for it.

Strutting along behind Magpie with head and tail high, Temur was king despite his scruffy exterior, pride made flesh, for he'd been given a part in this scam and he was itching to play it. Plopping himself down in the dust some distance from the mark he readied himself. Ruffling up his fur, rubbing a little extra dirt on to make himself look real pitiful. One of the older pups made a "get on with it" gesture from where he'd hidden himself - Temur just responded by sticking out his tongue. He'd start when he was ready.

He waited a couple seconds just to prove he could, then waved his tail to signal to Linus that he was in position. He was signaled back to go. Grinning smugly to himself, the brat took a deep breath... and wailed. His tiny voice bawled out like a snively lost little baby. The older pup who'd tried to boss him winced and scratched at his ear like it was painful. Temur just grinned and kept crying.

It was working, his pitiful cries attracting the attention of the marks. He even managed to force out a little waterfall of crocodile tears for effect, though it wasn't like the marks were going to see him anyway, as his scruff was grabbed and he was dragged backward to keep out of site and reach. The other pups would be all over the kill by now, stripping off what they could. His pride actually managed to somehow double at the thought, and he could barely stifle a giggle enough to keep crying. Dumb ass grown ups, they always fell for it.