
i found a Lyon hidden right under my bed.



4 Years
Extra large
06-16-2014, 10:27 AM

The woman's voice, tinged with displeasure, grated upon his ear drums. He was thankful for the fish, but why would he thank her? She had brought it to him, but that seemed of little consequence. He was completely capable of feeding himself. If his limbs had been broken, his sight taken from him, his ears ruined then yes, perhaps she would earn his gratitude. But as it happened, she had acted on her own volition to serve him. Before he knew it, his jaw had unhinged. "I'd as soon thank you for breathing. You might have noticed I was finding my own meal, of which I am completely capable. You acted on your own will, fae. I thank the earth for this fish, and disdain her for this season, all of which has nothing to do with you." It was selfish of her, really, to expect him to grovel. Did she think so much of herself? There were a plethora of helpless wolves in the world, subjected and burdened. If she wished to do some good she should hunt them down, as he was. As it stood she was wasting her efforts, her precious moments of life, on someone who didn't need it. It disgusted him. Why on earth an able-bodied wolf would be so apathetic was... was... He sighed, and shook his head. He was starting to make himself angry, and he was in no mood for a fight.

"Talk" "You" Think