
Exit Does Not Exist


05-02-2013, 08:15 AM
Quote:((transtalion: My name is Kangi. Who are you?))

Sorrow swept over his already downcast features and she knew she had found a word he understood. Her mother had never spoken to her in this language, onlyspoken to others around her. English was far more broken then her Lakota. But she would make do, she would find a way to get the point across even if she couldn't find the words. Though his simplistic speak that came next she had no issue understanding. That word, it was associated with food and making the pain in her stomach go away. She nodded vigorously but eyes were cast down to his missing leg. Could he hunt? She didn't want to ask but she did want to talk to him. He came down closer to her level, laying out across the sand and she smiled slightly at him. "Micaje Kangi... Nituwe he?" she asked, pressing her paw to her chest as she spoke her name and then motioning to him as she repeated her earlier question, asking for his. But it was still too many unknown words. "Kangi..." she said again, once more motioning to herself and then motioning to him after she said her name. She wanted to know who to thank...
