



11 Years
06-16-2014, 11:05 AM
Bane's head hung low, breathing heavy as he continued to hold the moss against Tahlia's eye.the would need a healer, and it was only a question if they were busy or not in he aftermath of all this. He looked up at Lior and his pinned ears heard her question. He couldn't help but smile at that. Kailos wiggled his way against his side and placed his chin on Tahlia's neck.?"No little one, the ground?s not gonna do it again." Bane stepped over Tahlia awkwardly and gave Lior a lick on the nose, head turning at the sound of the wood Tahlia had clenched falling onto the ground.

His mate had been strong for what had happened. And so he would comfort her with a kiss, reaching over to the tip of her muzzle and planting one right on her maw. His tongue tip flicked against her teeth and he let a rumble surface from his chest. He knew she like that. Help take her mind of things. They needed to get back. The other wolves, their other offspring, Bane could only hope everyone was ok.

He removed the moss and tried to not think about collapsed den's. Kailos was picked up by his nape, the pup letting out a whimper. "Tahlia, we have to move. Your going to have to carry Lior. It's not safe around here of there is another." Bane looked at Tahlia with a certain degree of urgency. He knew what she had been through was hard, but they really needed to move. The chance of boulders shifting about in another tremor was high now. A fact that everything was loosened by the first quake caused Bane all the more reason to worry. He would wait for her, then lead on as they departed the rock garden.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•