
give all my secrets away



11 Years
06-16-2014, 12:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 12:37 PM by Castiel.)
Alacritia. The lands were hardly familiar anymore, not when Castiel hadn't set paw here since he'd been a pup. His father had taken him many places, but one place that Nova hadn't set a paw in was home. The place the Castiel now sought out, carrying tidings of the death of the dire wolf that had raised him. Not exactly glad tidings, but the male felt an obligation to carry them anyways. At least they would not have to watch Nova fall beneath the hooves of a buffalo. Castiel shuddered at the memory, golden eyes closing in a vain attempt to ward off the ugly thoughts.

He had only recently made it to Alacritia, and hadn't the faintest idea as to where he ought to begin searching. Was Valhalla still in the West? Did his family even still live in Valhalla? He couldn't picture his mother anywhere else, but he'd been gone for almost two years. A lot could change in that time. After all, when Castiel had left, he had been a pup, and now he was a massive 39 inches tall, dwarfed by all but the largest of wolves. He had grown up - surely, Surreal, Lyric, and his other siblings had grown up as well. Had any of them left the nest?

There were so many questions, but Castiel didn't know how to find the answers. And so the white male sat for a moment, white haunches resting against the cool ground. What could he do but wait? In time he would head out, and put his nose to the grindstone, but for a moment it was nice to simply appreciate the fact that he had returned to his home. After two long years of wandering, Castiel had finally made his way back.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.