
Mavia Pups!!!


06-16-2014, 03:49 PM
Your Name: Pandafox
Character Name: Koray
Gender: Male
Fully grown, Koray stands at the tail edge of the large scale, at 35? tall and weighing 145lbs. Having inherited a size mixed from both his parents, he is strong in the neck and shoulders but his muscles are lean and built for running and moving quickly rather than attacking hard and heavy; but able to struggle effectively against larger foes.

He carries himself in a reserved but defensive manner and smiles rarely. His bright eyes are watchful and his ears often perked up to listen to what is around him intently while his posture is usually relaxed, or introspective. His tail usually hangs low as if dusting the earth behind him; but can become expressive.

Koray?s name means ?Ember Moon? and one look at him explains why it was selected. His base color is a deep charcoal grey, which fades to true black on his back. From the knees of his forelegs down to the pads of his front paws, and from his hips to the pads of his hind paws, his legs are also this true black color.

While he did not inherit the spots of his father, his rump is blended with a red that is even more muted than his grandmothers to be a natural reddish brown. This color is lightly blended in with his charcoal fur on his rump but grows more prominent further down his tail until the natural redish hue is all that remains on the end of his tail. This seems to be a more natural combination of his father?s coloring and unusual rump, and his mother?s abnormal tail.

The deep charcoal grey of his fur covers most of his face, however, like his mother, both eyes are ringed with a marking like a mask, however rather than a lighter grey, this ?mask? is that same natural red-orangeish hue that is found on his tail, and gives the impression of glowing coals. This motif of glowing coals is made stronger by the fact that he inherited his grandfather?s blue eyes which glow like blue flames within the orangeish mask on his pallet of charcoal fur.

Koray?s name means ?Ember Moon? and it seems this meaning does not only match his appearance; but also his personality. Like the moon he is silent and watchful of the world around him. He passes through phases, and changes silently but always within the same spectrum. A constant guide and to some a light in the darkness, save when he grows shy or cold and keeps his light to himself.

Like the embers of a fire he is quiet, yet warm. A loving brother, and son; but stays in the background doing his duties silently, and being difficult to notice. He smolders with thoughts, nagging feelings, and questions, in addition to a withheld sense of wisdom, compassion and caring. Koray does not spread out to bring his warmth to others; but instead they must draw close to him to find it. In this way he is much like his mother, knowing they are bastard children and the cause of someone elses pain is one of the many thoughts that smolder in his mind.

Like any embers, there is a dangerous side to Koray. While being near to him is the only way to feel his warmth, getting too close can burn you. While he is usually quiet, reserved, in the background, and doesn?t often stand out, like with all coals, the right gust of wind can quickly turn him into a blaze, which can then spread into a vicious wildfire. Koray keeps to himself and stays quiet because while he may have inherited his mothers reserved nature, and his father?s kindness, he has also inherited his fathers temper. While the red of his fur may be more dulled, the fires that burn in his heart burn even stronger, and that rage can explode in a savage heat which threatens to burn everyone around him, having had the kindling of his bastard origins and dark thoughts stoking theses flames.

While he respects his father?s strength he is uncertain how he feels about his decisions, and he loves his mother and siblings with a protective intensity, that might sometimes be oppressive to his sibling. However he also knows the dangers of his own passion and temper, so works hard to keep it held within; but one strong breeze in the form of danger to his family, or a harsh enough insult, can turn him into a raging inferno of teeth and claws and violence.

He enjoys the twilight hours and the night more often than the day, liking the peace and quiet, and the time to be thoughtful. Much like his name, Koray is poetic, often full of thoughts and artful dreams. He appreciates the beauty of a sunset and a moonrise as much as the elegance of combat, and the cycle of life and death which keeps the whole world moving. He likely prefers the role of a hunter or protecter more than an attacking warrior; but would not be opposed to being a spy or a scout, as he feels he works better alone and in small numbers than with a large group where the odds of his temper being stirred up is greater.

All in all he is a quiet yet fiercely passionate soul, with a raging beast inside him; but the wisdom to know that it must be contained.

RP Sample:
Koray sat, watching the moon with his bright blue eyes. It was full tonight and it was pleasant to see his old friend again. The day had been a long one today, the summer heat making him feel lazy and sleepy, even now that the world had grown cool. There had been a hunt earlier and all had eaten well; but in this dry summer he was concerned that perhaps other less friendly wolves, or possibly even other larger threats, might come to the smell of their recent kill.

His family was small and he worried over them, Koray knew it was not his place to worry over his mother as well as his sibling but it was something he could not help but do. Deciding the best thing to ease his nerves would be a walk, he rose from where he lay, and padded out by the light of his shining brother overhead. As he walked he sniffed the air for signs of anything that might not have been in the area before.

As Koray?s eyes took in the landscape, he admired the way that the silver moonlight washed out the colors of the living world, bathing everything in a tint of grey. While surely the flowers and the fields were beautiful in all their colors in the daylight, there was an eerie harmony to the world washed out beneath the pale moonlight. His eyes caught sight of a particularly defiant flower, that had risen above the grasses around it. Its color was hard to determine in the light of the moon; but Koray was certain it was not so elegantly shaped in the daylight. He wanted to show it to someone, wanted to bring it to his mother so she could see, but knew that doing so would kill the flower. Killing the flower only to show its beauty, seemed like a foolish waste, so he remembered the place, and took in the sight for a moment longer before continuing his patrol.

It was not far from the flower that Koray smelled it, something different. Something alive, had moved through here, for the musky scent was not something that was a familiar prey and was certainly not a plant. His ears perked up straining to listen for any sound of some potential intruder. The scent could be a wolf but it was foreign enough that it could be something larger or more dangerous. Either way it did not belong here. His heckles raised and his nose took in the air deeply.

No need to alert the entire pack yet, he would seek out whatever this intruding creature was and deal with them himself? if they were misguided, he could turn them away, if they were a threat? the fire burned in his chest aching to be let out. His paws pounded against the earth as he picked up speed, following the scent and making certain he would catch up to whatever the intruder was, before they got near his family. His mother and sister were sleeping after the long day, no need to wake them, Koray would take care of things.