


06-16-2014, 04:46 PM

Funny how Sibelle would doubt her and her motives, true when she hated someone she usually really hated them but she was a master of manipulation. If siding with Glaciem meant growing her pack stronger she would play nice with whoever she needed too and koi's whoever's ass to get ahead. Yes, ultimately unless she actually liked them she would more then likely throw them under the bus but until that day arrived she would be the best damn ally anyone could dream to have. Sibelle's eyes hardened as she spoke of Taurig and his abandonment, of Maija and the children. Vi chose not to speak here, simply nodding along and reigning her smile in for a more somber expression. She had come from a single parent home, had been raised by the goddess alone. Her older siblings had told her of her father, of Maze, but she had never seen or met the man. Zara had said he was presumed dead. She had never known the man to feel the pains of abandonment so she could not relate so she would not attempt to put her two cents in. "I'm sorry to hear that. Though I look forward to reuniting with Maija and the children... It's been a while." Was all she would add to that topic. As Sibelle spoke of taking Maija as her secondary Vi would frown, she knew Taurig had always been fairly lightly aligned, was Maija as well? Could she handle leading a darker pack? Was Sibelle going to keep the pack dark? Again she wouldn't voice her concerns. Sibelle could manage herself and Maija was a big girl. "She would make a wonderful secondary. I'll look forward to meeting your betas when you choose them. Will you be keeping the pack as Cataleya left it? Or changing aspects?" Vi couldn't help herself, she had to ask. Though it was a question of mild interest rather then a demand. Letting go of the reins was hard... After a moment Sibelle flipped the subject from politics and for once Vi's ears would fold back, a small and almost shy smily playing on her lips. "As you know I'm married... And thought I love Desiree very much... Well... I've been having feelings for another lately and I'm left rather confused..." She sighed heavily, closing her eyes for a moment before cracking one open and looking to Sibelle with a small smile. "Any advice?"

Table by Azil