
Solo Patrol



1 Year
06-16-2014, 04:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her large puppy paws froze mid-step, head angling as she listened to the howl that rang across the wintry plains. Thor! The elder wolf, her older brother in fact, had been proving himself true to his word since he had become the guardian of Bera and her two sisters. At times he seemed somewhat at a loss but for the most part he spoke to them confidently, assuredly, so that he at least sounded as if he knew what he was doing. Often she could see that control slip when Arnporr decided to "speak her opinion" as she called it, but even Bera could not have kept her cool with some of the things her sister said. But all in all Bera liked him, liked what he was trying to do for her and her sisters, even if they did not exactly feel the same, and smiled where she stood.

Abandoning her patrol - she could come back to it later - the dark brown girl bounded excitedly off the path and toward the wolf, finding him lying upon his back and wriggling about in the snow. It was quite comical to see; she was so used to him being this big, stern figure who watched over them and instructed them in what they were to do. Bera's tail wagged as she approached, and taking up the proud, strong step she had used during her patrol she heard him speak her name, or rather her nickname. Bearcub. Silly Aksel might have labeled her first, and it might have gotten under her skin to begin with, but it was growing on her. Maybe it really did suit her. Bears were strong, after all, and that was what she wanted to be.

He asked about her patrol, and the girl answered with a little lift of her chin, "Nothing to report," in her best serious voice. But, still young, she could not entirely mask her disappointment and added somewhat under her breath, almost conspiratorially, "Kind of boring, actually." Nose quivering, she caught the strong scent of prey, and angling her nose up slightly her green eyes peered at him and then around him in the snow quizzically. "You got something?"