
A Promise Kept [Maverick]


05-02-2013, 08:47 AM

She'd kept her promise. A promise - quite frankly - the boy had not even remembered she'd made! He could not hold back the beaming smile on his face as the woman explained where she'd been, and who she'd joined up with. Glaciem. "Ah yes, Glaciem. My father squared away an alliance with them only recently. I suppose that makes us allies and friends!" There was a twinkle in his eye that had not been there before - something that probably would go away as soon as the maiden left his side. Of course, she was not the bearer of all happiness, it was just nice to have a friendly face around. "I've been great. Father promoted me to Prince a while back, so I've been doing a lot of training and such to get ready for my role as King when my day comes. And don't you worry about that, mother was more angry at me for sneaking off than for bringing you home. She always did have a temper." He wondered if Insomnia would notice how he'd spoken of her in past tense. The boy did not rightfully know if his mother was still alive - but he did know she was no longer here, and therefore felt it necessary to speak of her as a figure that was gone or no longer present. Tail wagged behind him. "What am I doing, you're of Glaciem.. please, come on in!"

It was wonderful to be able to invite her in with not a shred of worry that someone would frown upon it. Glaciem wolves were welcome anytime within Seracian borders, and Insomnia would not be the exception to that rule. The boy pivoted so that should she choose to enter - she could with relative ease. Thoughts of the present and future had all but dissolved from the boy's mind. He had better things - happier things - to be thinking of now that she was here. No doubt a lot of things had changed for both of them since they'd first met, and they had a ton of catching up to do.
