
Champagne and Orange Juice


06-16-2014, 06:03 PM

Rubies swept over to the white vixen as she gazed upon her stomach. Exactly how many ? more importantly, whose ? was she going to give birth to. The woman reeked of the hormones from pregnancy, as champagne audits would rise ? not fall ? to meet the vixen's words, a low growl building in her throat. She was the thorn amongst roses, and she would not allow this cranky bitch to speak to her in such a manner. You bitch. Love means nothing in these lands. There are only cold-hearted creatures who seek the blood of others. Her muzzle would contort into a twisted snarl, as her hackles would rise. The champagne tempest would show this bitch who she was. You will most certainly die with that kind of fuckery that you speak of. She stood at her full height, on the edges of her toes, mouth curled in a pure look of hatred and anger. You are a whore. Just because you are pregnant and about to burst, doesn't mean I won't fucking kill you.

Threatening steps would be taken toward the white vixen, rubies staring cold and hard into her own, before she would speak again. I will spare your life... For now... she would mouth, but no such words came from her coral lips, rubies disappearing as the champagne tempest turned, beginning to stride away, stopping and sitting down, mouth still contorted, but slowly it would return to a smooth and well-chiseled maw.
