
Batari rules on crocodile rock.


06-16-2014, 06:21 PM
((OOC:Reader beware, All Batari threads come with the high probability of violence and blood))

The coppery smell of blood filled the air, and if it was not winter, surely the mosquitoes would be present en masse, however the slightly cooler temperatures and occasionally frosty days had killed them for now. The scent of blood was not as alluring to the predators within, because less hunting was normal for this season, and this particular area had a ruling predator. The great crocodile had ruled here for years now, and grown tremendous in his size. The danger he represented alone and the knowledge that this territory was his kept the lands somewhat safe of other predators. However today it was his blood that stank the air, and seeped into the earth.

From atop a rock where she had dragged the creature, Batari?s scarred muzzle was covered in his blood. She buried her face inside his torn open body and devoured the sweet meat inside. He had not seen her coming, could not have anticipated her. Wolves normally fled the crocodiles, or knew not enough about them to even see them coming until it was too late. Batari was not an ordinary wolf. Batari had grown up on the scaled island and learned the dangers of crocodiles early on. She had watched their tactics, and learned their ways to survive. She had made it many years on that island by hunting predators such as this, and this lazy dinosaur had not been prepared for a challenge like Batari. A large wolf who knew what she was doing, and knew the limits of a crocodile that had only just begun to warm himself upon the rock which his blood now decorated.

Today the mists of Jade?s moor were thinner than normal; but the air was humid as always, thanks to the wetlands. So the power of smell was stronger; but also more stagnant, and visibility was increased. Batari had eaten her fill and sat lazily with her corpse, guarding what was hers. A slight rustling caught her ears, and so she turned her head to see what could be moving through the brush. Other predators lived in the moor, and Batari was not about to let any of them take her, after she had slain the master of this small area, and she would not let anyone take her prize.

Hackles raised, and teeth bared, the savage wolf barked out, as a scent caught her nose, and her head moved to find its source. ?Batari has this kill! Batari can kill again!? she barked furiously, establishing her power and placing groundwork for her dominance. ?Batari can smell you! Batari will see you! Show yourself to Batari or Batari will hunt you!? her savage limited speech still effectively communicated to whatever lurked in the grasses, that she wanted to see what was trying to hide from her. She raised herself up on her legs, angry to remove her belly from the warm rock; but wanting to be ready for any attack that might come her way. Batari?s eyes still hungrily searching for whomever she had detected.