
Batari rules on crocodile rock.


06-16-2014, 07:01 PM

She had been a busy busy bee. The demonic woman had recently fallen upon her darling sister, Cascade, whom she hated with a passion. That bitch must keep her filthy paws off her beloved brother or Nausica would strike. The larger girl was not afraid to slaughter her own kin. Neios was hers. They had a bond that was forever. She helped him and he helped her. It was mutual and delightful. It was the only thing Nausica enjoyed that did not involve sadistic activities or thoughts. He was the only one she had so far, the only one she loved. Yet, her fucking sister had to prance on in and fuck it all up. Though, she would see how he reacted to their sister. Would he treat her like he treated Nausica? The woman would be horribly sad if so. But, only time would tell. Therefore the behemoth would slither into the swamps with a harsh look upon her silver slathered muzzle. An ink dipped tail was slightly erect and massive paws were spread with each step. Nausica was ready for war, which was the norm.

The beautiful smell of blood flew into her nose with ease. She breathed in the scent with excitement. Her mouth hung open and and it began to water in need. Nausica also smelled the scent of water, muck, death, and Wolf. She wondered what may have happened. Though, when shouting was heard the woman shuddered with excitement. Her core tingled and delight. The Saxe bitch rolled her shoulders and slunk into the scene. At first her eyes fell upon the creature before her. A female. Her fur was covered with an earthy tone of brown hued with crimson. But, it was adorned with a deep shade of blood. Nausica feasted upon the sight of a bitch bathed in her favorite liquid. But, her eyes shifted up to the Croc the fae had killed. A noble prize. They are not easy to take down. Nausica smirked and cleared her throat with a deep yearning for the girl in front of her. "Batari does not need to kill nor hunt!"
Her vocals were luxurious yet lined with a dwelling excitment. "Batari killed the Croc?" The Saxe femme rolled her shoulders again, waiting for an answer. Her eyes were now on the other girls. Yet, Nausica towered over the fae before her due to her 40 inch height.
