
Smiles Make The Day Brighter You Know



06-16-2014, 09:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Arwel surprised her by actually going into detail about his and his sister's lives and how they had come to Valhalla. The rabbit beneath her paw ignored and her attention full upon the kindly male, Ash was shocked to learn their separation extended so long because he had believed she had died at the paws of the wolves who had attacked his pack. Her own pack life had been pretty mild until she had joined Valhalla. She had gone through one war with them already but her personal losses had been minimal if at all. Never had she felt the sort of loss that Arwel was speaking of. And it made her wonder, suddenly, unbidden, how her own siblings were.

Ashtoreth was smiling gently by the end of the story, glad that it had a happy ending. Meili was her best friend, a sweet, kind wolf who deserved nothing but good things. Arwel was still new to her but already he was proving himself to be just as considerate. The both of them deserved to be happy, and together since they sounded very close. "I'm really happy for you two," she said still smiling, "Not all siblings turn out that close to each other. I'm proof enough of that." How different her life might have been if she had been. "And even fewer get to find each other after being so long separated."

Maybe that was enough talk about the past. The pregnant grey hunter did not want to pry too much into the history of her best friend, especially without her there to tell it herself. "So how are you liking Valhalla so far?" Ash asked, getting enough of her appetite back to try another bite of her squirrel.