
The Ghosts that We Knew

Orchid I


5 Years
06-16-2014, 09:44 PM

As Orchid cut the first incision with a sharp she fully expected a bite to tear through her shoulder and tensed in anticipation. She was more then grateful when the boy shot up with a shout and seemed to realize what it was she was doing. She held his paw steady on the ground, cupped beneath her own so his jerking movements into wakefulness didn?t move the injured limb. She gave him a few more movements to settle himself and frowned as water and blood where heaved from his lungs. Internal bleeding? She would have to get something? Yarrow into him to help with bleeding.. she furrowed her brow again and scowled down at her problem patient. ?You?re a real mess? she accused him, before turning her back to him and grabbing the paw ? much more gently so then her words and begun to wring out the puss from the lightly bleeding injury she had reopened.

She grabbed the Trillium she had set aside for this and rubbed it liberally over the wound, cleaning it properly this time, which was what one was supposed to do with an injury? she avoided rolling her eyes, if barely as she ran the injury under the cool water once more. Finally she took it out and placed it gently on the ground. Placing her previously made poultice over it and binding the injury with horsetail would finish her task. She then ran her own paws under the water until they were clean. ?I?m Orchid, and you better keep you injuries clean this time? she told him, pointing a claw in the direction of his face. ?Your lucky, if you?d let that fester much longer I would have been tying you to the ground and soring off that leg with my claws? she threatened him. Honestly, didn?t he even have the most basic understanding of looking after himself? He was an abuse to healing, just sitting there.

?Stay here? or so help me I?ll knock you out? she thought to herself and scampered off again. She returned a little while later with Rabbit, a knotted water tight leaf containing just that, water and some more herbs. ?Eat, drink? she commanded, a note of ?don?t argue with me? in her tone as she set about sorting out the herbs she had collected. One, Yarrow she shoved his way after a moment, along with Meadowseet to ease the pain, she couldn?t give him any more Wintergreen without causing him problems. ?Alright boy, so whats your name? and how did you get into this mess?? she asked him, a little more gently then before.
