


06-16-2014, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2014, 02:06 PM by Kristoffer.)
Name: Remus Olympus

39 inches --
The man is your normal behemoth. His body is packed full of intense muscle and his fur is covered in delicious tones of tan and obsidian. His base pelt color is a deep ebony that spreads across most of his large body. As your eyes slip across his face you would see his ears are dipped in a dark tan color that constants with his normal black. Above each eye at the beginning of the brows would be a speck of tan as well, that fades to the side into black. Under each eye, right at the point would be a dot of alabaster that stood out delightfully. To the side of each eye, on the outside, would be a smudge of tan as well. Though, along each side of his muzzle up to the very end of his lips would be the same tam smeared across. His fore paws are dipped in tan as well, ending at about his knees. The upper bits of his belly fur is also dipped in tan, but only the very ends, it stops near mid belly, fading back into black. His hind paws are met with the same tan but it slips up the back of his legs and thighs until it reaches the very back of his body. It slips into his tail, which is a base color of tan, tipped with ebony and white. Though, along his back you see tan that slides into a little bit of white, the same white spotted upon his face. His eyes are two different colors, the left one being a soft emerald and the right one a soft sky blue. He is a beautiful wolf.

The man has grown up to be bitter. His sister and wife was murdered. His family slaughtered. Both of his parents are dead, leaving only his brother, Romulus. This granted Remus a very sour outlook on life. He rarely spoke to outsiders. He thought very highly of himself, knowing he is of royalty. The man does not have a playful bone in his body. Rarely would you see a smile upon his firm lips. His eyes are usually full of distraught. Thoughts of his slaughtered family haunted him with each step. He had a hatred for the higher house of Olympians. The lighter bunch that thought they were something special. But, in reality they were just as pure as the rest of them. They killed his mate and his family, he could never look one of them in the eye again. Remus is horribly angry at the world. His temper is like a ticking time bomb. A single word, a single act, or breath could cause him to snap. Though, he is very intelligent. He observes situations. He gets others to do his dirty work. But, everything he does, good or bad, is for his family. The daughters and sons of Cronus. Remus has them on his mind at all times. He would kill for his family. Yet, only his children and his brother has seen the caring side of him. The side that would sacrifice his life for them. The man was a mask of anger.

RP Sample: Massive paws hit the ground below with fury. With each step the Kings and Queens above chanted his name. The man was a wrecking ball. His fur shook with each movement. He was tall, his long legs thundered with excitement. Remus had just entered the lands. He was alert and aware. The man was usually paranoid, due to the importance of his life. He had children who were soon going to have their own kids. They needed him. He was a leader. The man stopped through the lands of battle. Stale scents of blood and flesh filled his ebony nose, which was hued with brown. His daughter, Narcissa was behind him. She slithered along with her beautiful body. She looked of his mate, Rhea. His tail was erect and his ears pointed. Yet, when a flash of silver caught his eye the man stopped his steps. A form of a Wolf sauntered their way. Blood swept across its muzzle, eyes flashing of insanity. Remus rolled his broad shoulders as he curled up his tan lips. Remus growled lowly as the male approached, he heard his daughter growl softly as well. The ebony and tan man snorted and let forth his very deep vocals, "One more step and your entrails will be spilled, filth." His body was in front of his daughters, he would never see her get hurt. The man dug his claws into the ground as the other Wolf growled as well. "I do not look for a fight." Remus stepped forward a step and puffed up his hackles, "Dismiss yourself, heathen." The silver male then slithered off with his tail between his legs. Remus flashed a look to his lovely daughter before they sat off once again.
