
Batari rules on crocodile rock.


06-17-2014, 01:22 AM
Batari?s heckles were raised and her ears flattened against her skull when her eyes fell upon the source of the noise and the scent. It was a wolf, and not just any wolf; but one that stood larger than Batari. The dark wolf had her in size, and possibly weight though Batari doubted by much; but She had ferocity and a full belly on her side. In her experiences with other wolves in this land, she had noticed that while they had their own ways of fighting, none of them were quite prepared for her own unique art. Still, it angered Batari that this wolf dared to be larger than her.

Batari?s instincts told her to leap from the rock and go for the throat, simply sink in her teeth now and prove that being bigger than Batari was a mistake none should make. Just because they were bigger than her, did not mean they could beat her. The crocodile had learned this lesson the hardest way possible, the 13? creature weight significantly more than Batari, had fallen before her wild ruthless savagery; and left her with little to show for his efforts.

The prey-bitch spoke before Batari had a chance to give in to her impulses however, and so her ego was able to take over instead. HOW DARE SHE TELL BATARI WHEN BATARI DOES AND DOES NOT NEED TO KILL OR HUNT!? ONLY BATARI DECIDEDS WHEN BATARI ACTS! This indignation thundered through her simple savage mind; but the proud wolf kept her silence, and was rewarded for it by being given an opportunity to boast about her kill. Still, Batari had learned from the sneakier lizards not to boast about any kill you were not willing to defend. She was warry that the other wolf might be trying to take from Batari, what she had rightfully slain. If that was their intent, they had best be prepared to face a dauntless stubbornness backed by unrivaled savagery, should her boundless temper be awoken.

?Batari says when Batari kills! Batari says when Batari hunts! YOU ARE NOT BATARI!? her words were first a snarl that grew into a wild bark. Blood and saliva flying from her mouth as she loudly projected her indignant words. ?Batari killed the croc! Crocs are easy prey for Batari!? She spread her stance a little wider and her calws attempted to find purchase in the rock in case she needed to move from her spot; but Batari was also posturing in her own twisted display of pride over her kill, allowing the large-wolf to see the evidence of her savagery and strength. Her snarl words then turned into a warning, as she anticipated aggression from the other wolf. ?YOU are easy prey for Batari! This crock is Batari?s! Large wolf does not frighten Batari, large wolf will not get Batari?s prize!?

While the other wolf was larger, Batari still had to look down to glare at her eyes, thanks to the height of the rock on which she stood. Fire burned in her eyes, the untamed fire of a more savage wolf, to whom the concepts of honor, friendship, and loyalty were meaningless.