
seven year summer



7 Years

06-17-2014, 01:27 AM

Bass had a lot of height on her, standing at thirty-six inches to her small twenty-seven inches, but he was no where near as agile as she was. That and this was his first spar, and while he had learned the basic defenses from watching fights he was just stumbling along, trying to learn as he went along. The brute was observing the older fae as much as he could, trying to pick up her ways of defending while trying to dodge her attacks. It was a large task, but this thinker was able to organize his thoughts after his big mistake, he would feel that tail injury later.

Both of Bass's hits landed, the coppery taste of blood throwing him off. This was the first time that he had drawn the blood of another and he wasn't sure that he liked it. He had little time to dwell on it though, because he could feel and see her muscles tensing as her knees gave out slightly. He stepped back, thinking that she would go for his chest or throat, but was wrong. The small woman dropped low to the ground and dove for his hind leg. The brute reacted quickly, picking up the leg as close to his chest as possible before attempted to place it down further away, but he wasn't quite quick enough. Her teeth sunk into his leg just above his paw, making him flinch as he adjusted his balance to keep himself up on only three legs. Twisting his head around to the top of her head he attempted to land his jaws on her exposed scruff, wishing to bite and take hold of the dame so that she would let go of his leg. If he didn't get back on all fours soon his balance would be thrown and he would fall to his side, most likely losing him this spar. So his tail once again aligned with his spine, although the injury along the base of it sent a shock of pain through him. Shifting his weight so that he was able to stand on only three legs, he also spread his toes wide for a larger surface area to stand on. The dame was fast though, lashing out a paw to his opposite knee and tried to hit it backwards. He had been prepared, his muscles had tensed. When the blow landed he slid slightly, but did not fall or misstep. If Bass had a hold of her scruff he would attempted to bite harder, wishing to render her still.

Defenses: he adjusted his balance to keep himself up on only three legs. his tail once again aligned with his spine, although the injury along the base of it sent a shock of pain through him. Shifting his weight so that he was able to stand on only three legs, he also spread his toes wide for a larger surface area to stand on. He had been prepared, his muscles had tensed.
Attack: Twisting his head around to the top of her head he attempted to land his jaws on her exposed scruff, wishing to bite and take hold of the dame so that she would let go of his leg. If Bass had a hold of her scruff he would attempted to bite harder, wishing to render her still.
Injuries: deep wound at the base of his tail, bruise on his left hip, bite on his left leg just above his paw, deepness TBA.
Note: late night post may not make any sense, but you have my skype if you need any clarity