
give all my secrets away

Magnus 1


06-17-2014, 01:33 AM

Meeting you was fate - becoming your friend was a choice

but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

The brute's paws struck the terra with a harsh rhythm. He needed something to do, he was bored. His belly was full from the fish he had caught earlier, using the tactics he had been taught so long ago by a male that he had met in this very area. As he was walking a scent filled his nostrils. Another man. He grinned, not the same warm grin that he used to give to people. This one did not reach his eyes. He followed the scent until the man came into his vision. A tall honey coloured wolf. Quite well muscled. Clearly he was used to fighting. Magnus grimaced, remembering the injury that would keep him from fighting to his full potential ever again. Most of the time he forgot about the missing limb. But when he reminded himself the memories were painful. Almost as painful as the gut wrenching heartache that he felt whenever he pictured Aurora's face.
He beautiful, sweet face. The face that would never smile and kiss him when he did something stupid. He cleared the grin from his face and put on a complete poker face and approached the man. Hello, what brings you to these lands? He kept his voice void of emotion. He awaited the reply

"Talk" Think "You"

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