
On This Starlit Path



9 Years
06-17-2014, 05:23 AM

The wind would tug at his fur, as if beckoning him towards something. He would shake it off, the tears streaming down his face. A wolf of his stature shouldn't cry, and yet he was. The young male wasn't sure if he regretted his choices, or if he should be proud of them. Either way, he had been unprepared for such decisions. It was then as he buried his face into his paws, the wind would touch him once more. But it was with more eagerness, with something more. A voice. Brows furrowed, was he hearing things now? Rincavornon. He thought that perhaps it was just his imagination, his mind playing tricks on him again, for it wouldn't be the first time. The boy would hold in more sobs, trying desperately to ignore the whisper. But then, it would come again. Rincavornon? This time, it sounded all too real, though it was but a whisper.

One ear would fall back against his head, as if listening for something. And slowly, ever so slowly, his head would rise. Moistened eyes would turn, seeking out whether or not the wind was truthful in their beckoning, or if it was no more then another dream. What he saw would freeze him in his place, for standing behind him, was his dearest mother. He sat up, eyes never leaving her as he tried to comprehend whether or not she was real. Breath seemed to catch in his throat. Was it truly her? "M-Mom? I-is that you?" He would breath his words, chest heaving with the effort to keep from bursting into tears once more. Had he failed her? Shamed her? He was so afraid that it was something bad. His gaze locked on her own, her remaining eye as beautiful as ever. He wanted so badly to run to her, to press against her soft be the pup that had been so close to his mother at a younger age.

And finally, he would give in. He would move forward, lanky legs pushing upwards in a swift and clumsy motion as he stumbled towards her. Within a matter of seconds, he was pressing against her, high pitched whines rising in his chest as he nuzzled deeply into her neck fur. Tongue seeking out the contours of her muzzle as affection poured from him, the boy trying so hard to keep the tears from pouring as well, but to no avail. "Mother, I'm sorry..."


Fight Inside by Red on Grooveshark


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