
Delightful birds



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-17-2014, 05:35 AM

The girl had finally left the solitude of her former home. Finally realizing that it was time to let go. Nobody would come back, her family had been lost to the four corners of the world, she was sure. And so, her large paws would carry her westward, nowhere really in particular, just away from the cove that had been her home for so long. Her hind left leg limped slightly, but it hindered her no more then a nuisance. Fiery gaze was slowly regaining its light, but for the most part her stare was blank and glassy. She wasn't as strong as she wish she could be, but someday...perhaps she would retain the strength that her father once had.

Several smells would reach her at once, the strong scent of birds wafting towards her upon the wind. Avalon would glance up, fur rippling gently with the cool winds that had blown as of late, but in the West, it wasn't as cold as the Norther region. At least, wasn't as cold as it had been on the coast where she lived. But, there was something else too. Something she had never smelled before, and it was heavy. It smelled much stronger, much different then anything she had smelled before. And although she knew her curiosity could get her in trouble yet again, she was all too curious to discover whose scent was in the air. She was big, standing at 39" above most wolves. Surely if it was another of her kind they would be intimidated by size right? She stalked forward, tail level with her spine as she moved. She was all senses alert, amber gaze scanning the undergrowth as she walked. She spotted something in the shade of a tree, something large. The scent would grow stronger, and soon the creature would come into her view.

Avalon would stop, brows furrowing as she stared at the resting creature. It had such intricate markings, the likes of which she had never seen before. She stood there, unsure for how long, but finally the sudden call of a bird would pull her from her short trance. What was this creature? "Wh-what are you?" She hadn't meant to be rude and ask that, it had just slipped from her jaws as her mind tried to figure it out.



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