
give all my secrets away



11 Years
06-17-2014, 07:54 AM
Castiel was almost startled by the appearance by another wolf, but Castiel shouldn't have been. He still remembered how massive Alacritia had seemed to him when he was a child, but Castiel knew now that it was smaller - not by much, perhaps, but it was not unheard of for wolves to stumble across other wolves by pure coincidence. And so, when Castiel found his gaze settling on the similarly colored wolf, he inclined his head slightly, only the slightest flick of his ears betraying any surprise he might have felt at the other's appearance. "I have only recently returned to these lands," Castiel began hesitantly, unsure of how to explain himself. Did he mention his mother? But it seemed unlikely that this stranger would know his mother... That would be too much of a coincidence, right?

Castiel hesitated a moment longer before continuing, tail offering a lazy wave. "I'm seeking to return to my family. I have been separated from them for far too long." Castiel spoke simply, almost hoping that the stranger would ask about his family so that he could mention Erani and Surreal and everyone else. "And you, stranger?" The faintest of Russian accents tinged his words as Castiel settled back on his haunches, eyeing the white and black male curiously. Though the other male was missing a paw, Castiel hardly seemed to notice. It wasn't something he paid much attention to, as it meant little to the behemoth of a male.

The other had a poker face on par with Castiel's own, and Castiel hadn't the faintest idea that something was bothering the other, let alone something as large as the loss of a mate. It wasn't something that Castiel could exactly comprehend - romance had never been something he'd even considered, seeing as he'd spent most of his life wandering with Nova, who hadn't exactly encouraged these endeavors. But even if his father had, Castiel would probably be just as clueless as he was now. It just wasn't in him.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.