
Wrap me in your love

Ares 1


06-17-2014, 02:23 PM

He loved seeing her smile, it would create within him a swirling excitement as he thought about their offspring. The corners of his lips would pull up, mirroring her own expression as she told him of her intentions. "We should also let Raisa know soon." pale ears would fall to his skull as he thought of their responsibility to the queen. She was right. He would nod as she found her way to his side, he would nuzzle her neck softly as he followed her lead. She seemed to have an exact place picked, and he would not argue with her decision. "What should we name them?" He would smile at her excitement, it was almost surprising how easily they took the thought of becoming parents. "I want to honor our father. He deserves that." Though he had no specific ideas on how, he wanted their pups to be a living memorial of the great man that had sired him.
He would nip at her fur playfully as they walked, her tail playfully tapping him as they walked. "I wonder how many there will be." her excitement would alight a fire within him. How easy it had been to instill such a happiness together. They had created life. "No matter how many there are, they will all be as lovely as you." his nose would nuzzle behind her ears lovingly as he would gently allow his words to her.
