
Consuming Power


05-02-2013, 12:49 PM

Her coat was ash, mixed shades of gray, black, and off white. A collar consisting of light gray fur would coil around her beck and dip between her ears. She was a beautiful, glorious thing that had been hated for her colors, beaten down and destroyed because she wasn't clean. Her coat was not a glistening ivory white and thus she had been made a mockery of. An example of sin, abused and tortured whenever such was seen fit. She had broken her shackles, released her bonds. Elphaba was free. Golden eyes flickered gazing about the thick foliage, this place held no meaning to her. Her gaze would remain detached, unmoving.

The summer rain beat down upon her, drenching her fur and the forest about her. Thunder rumbled, groaning its discomfort at the heavens, lightning cracked, smashing into the earth in thick bolts of fury and malice. The dame did not flinch. Her head remained level with the rest of her bodice and her tail swung absently behind her, stable, helping her balance. With each step she took paws would sink into the muck the forest floor had become and the thick grime would release her pads with a sickening squelch and the pattern would repeat.

The lightning did not phase her, the rolling thunder nor the murky ground would slow her gait, water dripped from her fur in long torrents and still she would move at the same headstrong gait. Golden eyes glared defiantly at the ever growing rain clouds, daring them to attack her, daring them to do their worst and do their worst they did, but such abuses Elphaba brushed off, she was accustomed to far worse, the rain would do little to her. Her thoughts drifted, vanishing back over the horizons to think of things long since vanquished from her mind.

Her traitorous mind reminded her of Glinda. Glinda, Glinda, Glinda. Quite possibly the only name to ever crack a smile across multi-hued dames maw. The ivory fae was, to put it simply, flawless. She had no marks of dishonor, no colors, eyes of crystalline blue and the fur of the utmost ivory. Loved and adored by everyone, hated by none. She had been beauty, Elphaba the beast and yet... somehow, the two became the best of friends, Elphie's only friend, Glinda's favorite. She regretted leaving her behind, she hadn't had the chance to say goodbye but Glinda knew just as Elphie did that her life could never be fulfilled their, she had released that one light of her past with great reluctance and immeasurable strength.

She had not regretted the decision, Seracia was good to her, treated her well. Her audits would flicker, whipping behind her and she would pause, a scent nearly taken by the rain reaching her nose. Her cranium would turn, golden gaze falling upon the tiny creature that had crammed herself inside the tree. She would blink, before her head lowered, not in submission or in greeting, the action seemed to be more intimidating than anything. Her tail would fall flaccid, dangling between her legs. "Why hide from the storm? Embrace it." Lyrics would fall from her larynx, thick and heavy. She had a resounding baritone for a voice, deep and meaningful. She did not speak to waste air.
