
You have something I need

Athena I


9 Years
06-17-2014, 09:34 PM

Athena would watch him closely, her breath seeming to catch in her throat as he leaned forward to caress her forehead, her eyes sliding closed. Her breath left her in a soft, frosty cloud. Feeling his touch and hearing his voice after what seemed like an eternity made everything feel right. It lifted a weight off of her shoulders. His sweet words made the smile on her muzzle widen. He had certainly gotten the gene of flattery from their father, but she knew that unlike Isardis, who could be manipulative, Vereux meant every word.

He moved closer and she would leave her eyes closed, her head tipping to lean into his touch. He left her skin burning like coals but only in the best of ways. Finally she would open her eyes as he backed away from her once more. Even as the cold touched her skin once again, that heat refused to leave and it only continued to spread. Even in the depths of winter she felt warm with Vereux at her side.

Athena didn't have to ponder a response to his proposal. She already knew, deep in her heart, what her response would be before she even found him. Looking at him now she didn't see her brother. She didn't see the pup that used to tease and pick on her along with Genesis. She saw her mate, her husband. Her King. She smirked slightly, stepping forward to close the distance between them once more. She pressed her cheek to the side of his neck, nuzzling her face into the thick fur there. "And so it will," she replied with a quiet intensity, her voice rasping softly with the truth of her words. She would lean her head back once again so she could look into his eye, brushing her muzzle against his as she whispered, "I will be yours and you will be mine. You will be my King, Vereux. I love you."
